A tasty assortment of snausage links

by Patch O'Furr

Do you like links? How about samples of stories to come? Here’s some little treats. These snausages might become a regular feature.

– San Francisco’s How Weird Street Faire – 43 furries came out for fun and fursuiting. (Pic by Spark Note, and ABC News.)

The most fun legally possible to have on a public street (and other kinds too)

The most fun it’s legally possible to have on a public street (and maybe other kinds too)


– Dandy Warhols – New album has Zantal Scalie inside.

– VNV Nation seeks out Furry dancers –
Ronan Harris honored fursuiters following his tour, and met them in San Francisco… what’s next, a tour with Skinny Puppy? Courtesy of Smash:

All the furries from last night’s VNV show pose for a moment with Ronan Harris. After he got a change of clothes and got off the bus, he dodged past a LONG line of waiting fans just to seek us out. Seems pretty surreal when the star of the show seeks you, the fan, out. Turns out his wife still has pictures of us in costume from the last tour. Thanks, Agnieszka!


– Industrial music and furries, part 3: Interview with DJ Neshamah.
An inexplicable multi-nerd connection. Goes together like Darth Vader playing bagpipes on a unicycle. (Now with fire!)

– Free/pay what you want “Dogpatch Press” special edition. Plus BTC tip jar, for those concerned about my snausage budget.
And all the scritches you can buy… Kidding, who would pay? Everyone knows you don’t have to ask for scritches with me for free.
